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Thursday, 27 June 2013

Nursing Licensure Practice Test: Maternal Health

Here’s another nursing licensure practice test for students who want a head start for their nursing review and for RN’s who just can’t get enough quizzes to keep them sharp. Try to take this test in 24 minutes. Happy answering!

Situation: Nurse Lalaine manages her own Reproductive and Children’s Nursing Clinic in Isabela and most of the time she performs prenatal nursing assessment of the residents.

1.       Marichi, a 23 year-old pregnant client, asks how much longer Nurse Lalaine will refer to the baby inside her as an embryo. Which of the following would be Lalaine’s best response?
a.       After the 20th week of pregnancy, the baby is called a zygote.
b.      From the time of implantation until 8 weeks, the baby is an embryo.
c.       Her baby will be a fetus as soon as the placenta forms.
d.      This term is used during the time before fertilization.

2.       Marichi is worried that her baby will be born with a congenital heart disease. What assessment is important to help determine if the baby has the risk of having a congenital heart defect?
a.       Assessing whether the umbilical cord has two arteries and one vein
b.      Assessing whether the Wharton’s jelly of the cord has a pH higher than 7.2
c.       Determining that the color of the umbilical cord if it’s not green
d.      Measuring the length of the cord to be certain that it is longer than 3 feet

3.       Marichi asks Lalaine regarding risk factors that affect the normal development of the fetus. Which of the following data about Marichi would tell Lalaine that there’s a risk of developing congenital anomalies of the fetus?
a.       Marichi been overly anxious about something.
b.      Marichi had a bacterial respiratory infection at the early stage of her pregnancy.
c.       Marichi engaged in sexual activity during the second trimester of her pregnancy.
d.      Marichi smokes 20 cigarettes a day on average.

4.       Marichi is scheduled to have an ultrasound examination. What instruction would be most appropriate to give before her examination?
a.       Drink at least 3 glasses of fluid before the procedure.
b.      Intravenous fluid should not be administered to prevent hurting the fetus.
c.       Void immediately before the procedure.
d.      You can have medicine for pain for any contractions caused by the test.

5.       Marichi is scheduled to have an amniocentesis to test for fetal maturity. What instruction would you give her before this procedure?
a.       No more amniotic fluid forms afterward, which is why only a small amount is removed.
b.      The intravenous fluid infused to dilate your uterus does not hurt the fetus.
c.       The X-ray used to reveal your fetus’ position has no long term effects.
d.      Void immediately before the procedure to reduce your bladder size.

Situation: Health instructions are essentially given to pregnant mothers to help them cope with the overall experience and prevent any risks.

6.       A public health nurse would appropriately instruct a pregnant woman to notify the physician immediately if which of the following symptoms occur during pregnancy?
a.       Breast tenderness                                                  
b.      Increased vaginal discharge                                                
c.       Presence of dark color in the neck  
d.      Swelling of the face

7.       A woman who is 9 weeks pregnant comes to the Health Center with moderate bright red vaginal bleeding. On physical examination, the physician finds the client’s cervix 2 cm dilated. Based on the given data, which term best describes the client’s condition?
a.       Incomplete abortion                                             
b.      Inevitable abortion                                                
c.       Missed abortion
d.      Threatened abortion

8.       In a big government hospital, Nurse Pattie is taking care of a woman with a diagnosis of abruptio placentae. What complication of this condition is of most concern to Nurse Pattie?
a.       Disseminated intravascular coagulation        
b.      Hypocalcemia                                                           
c.       Pulmonary embolism
d.      Urinary tract infection

9.       Which of the following findings on a woman who has recently delivered would indicate she is at risk for developing postpartum hemorrhage?
a.       Epidural anesthesia                                                
b.      Grand multiparity                                                   
c.       Post-term delivery
d.      Urinary tract infection

10.   Mrs. Hally Garcia, a 35 year-old postpartum client, is at risk of thrombophlebitis. Which of the following nursing interventions would be the best intervention to prevent postpartum thrombophlebitis?
a.       Administration of anticoagulant postpartum
b.      Breastfeeding the newborn
c.       Early ambulation
d.      Immobilization and elevation of the lower extremities

11.   The nurse uses what equipment to check for fluid between the parietal and visceral layers of the tunica vaginalis?
a.       3 cc syringe                                                                
b.      Fluid meter                                                                
c.       Manometer
d.      Transilluminator

12.   The nurse knows that the occurrence of shoulder dystocia during labor is most associated with which of the following conditions?
a.       Macrosomia                                                              
b.      Late age pregnancy                                                
c.       Polyhydramnios
d.      Preterm birth

13.   The nurse correctly instructs the mother that overstimulated infants tend to:
a.       Breathe at a faster rate
b.      Look away to reduce the intensity of the interaction
c.       Respond with coordinated, synchronous body movement
d.      Show increased alertness and eye contact

14.   The nurse instructs a couple on the proper use of contraceptives. Which statement by the nurse is correct regarding the use of the cervical cap?
a.       “It does not need to be fitted by the physician.”
b.      “It does not require the use of spermicide.”
c.       “It may affect Pap smear results.”
d.      “It must be removed within 24 hours.”

15.   The endometrium thickens during which phase of the menstrual cycle?
a.       Ischemic phase                                                        
b.      Menstrual phase                                                     
c.       Proliferative phase
d.      Secretory phase

16.   A client is 7 months pregnant and has just been diagnosed as having a partial placenta previa. She is stable and has minimal spotting and is being sent home. Which of these instructions to the client may indicate a need for further teaching?
a.       Avoid intercourse for three days.
b.      Call if contractions occur.
c.       Maintain bed rest with bathroom privileges
d.      Stay on left side as much as possible when lying down.

17.   The painful phenomenon known as “back labor” occurs in a client whose fetus in what position?
a.       Breech position                                                       
b.      Brow position                                                           
c.       Left Occipito-Posterior position
d.      Right Occipito-Anterior position

18.   When a person is discussing the strong influence of childrearing methods on the development of the child, this person is most probably referring to  which of the following theories?
a.       Naturalistic                                                                                  
b.      Nature                                                                           
c.       Neoclassic
d.      Nurture

19.   A client says she heard from a friend that people stop having periods once they are on the “pill”. The most appropriate response of the nurse would be:
a.       “If your friend has missed her period, she should stop taking the pills and get a pregnancy test as soon as possible.”
b.      “Missed period can be very dangerous and may lead to the formation of precancerous cells.”
c.       “The pill prevents the uterus from making such endometrial lining, and that is why periods may often be scant or skipped occasionally.”
d.      “The pill should cause a normal menstrual period every month. It sounds like your friend has not been taking the pills properly.”

20.   The nurse is teaching a group of expectant mothers about the prevention of diaper dermatitis. The nurse explains that one of the preventive measures is the use of:
a.       Absorbent disposable diapers                             
b.      Baby powder or cornstarch                                                  
c.       Cloth diaper
d.      Plastic panties over diapers

Here are the answers:

1.       Answer: B
Rationale: In human development, the fertilized multicellular diploid eukaryote is called an embryo from the time of fertilization to 8 weeks; afterwards it is called a fetus. The zygote is the earliest developmental stage of the embryo. It is the week of gestation, not the time of placental formation, which marks developmental stages.

2.       Answer: A
Rationale: According to Pillitteri, the umbilical cord should be routinely assessed for the number of arteries and veins because 15-20% of newborns with a single umbilical artery are associated with congenital anomalies of the heart.

3.       Answer: D
Rationale: Cigarette smoke, drugs, alcohol and other teratogenic chemicals are major risk factors for congenital abnormalities.

4.       Answer: A
Rationale: 3 glasses of fluid intake (approximately 24-32 oz) optimizes the procedure, since a full bladder will push the intestines out of the way, so that the uterus and other reproductive organs can be readily seen. The administration of IV fluids is not contraindicated, and pain medications are not indicated for uterine contractions.

5.       Answer: D
Rationale: Amniocentesis is a medical procedure involving the insertion of a needle on the abdominal wall to draw amniotic fluid, and it is particularly important to instruct the client to empty the bladder to avoid puncturing it.

6.       Answer: D
Rationale: Breast tenderness and skin darkening are normal, subtle signs of pregnancy, while increased discharge (leukorrhea) is normally experienced due to increased estrogen production and blood flow into the vaginal area. While slight swelling can be expected, the client should nevertheless have it assessed by the doctor as uncontrolled edema might lead to serious complications.

7.       Answer: B
Rationale: By definition, this case falls under inevitable abortion which occurs when cervical dilation is present. An incomplete abortion happens when part of the conceptus (usually the fetus) is expelled, while a threatened abortion occurs when there is no cervical dilation despite the bright red bleeding. A missed abortion occurs when the fetus dies in utero but is not expelled, and this can happen without prior vaginal bleeding and cervical dilation.

8.       Answer: A
Rationale: Abruptio placentae involves the premature separation of the placenta from the uterine wall, and this separation may result to massive bleeding that can further complicate to disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC).

9.       Answer: B
Rationale: The risk factors of postpartal hemorrhage include multiple gestations, deep anesthesia, placenta previa and premature rupture of membranes. Urinary tract infection and post-term delivery are not usually associated with this complication.

10.   Answer: C
Rationale: Early ambulation is the intervention that would prevent clot formation in the blood vessels of the lower extremities. Anticoagulants are not routinely administered with postpartum clients, although they can be prescribed by the physician in special cases. Breastfeeding the newborn might help, since the mother would be moving about while doing it. Immobilization would worsen the condition because it will lead to venous stasis.

11.   Answer: D
Rationale: Fluid from this tissue can be assessed using a transilluminator, where is light is shone on the affected part. Fluid detection is not usually done with aspiration or fluid meters, while a manometer is an instrument that measures pressure.

12.   Answer: A
Rationale: Shoulder dystocia is a specific type of labor pain resulting from a difficult delivery of the newborn’s head and shoulders. This usually occurs with cephalopelvic disproportion, and a common cause of this is a macrosomic infant.

13.   Answer: B
Rationale: The infant’s nervous system has not yet fully developed, and they can only take so many stimuli at this stage of life. Three things usually occur when an infant is overstimulated: (1) they could fall asleep, (2) they could zone you out and stop paying attention to you, and (3) they get irritable and cranky.

14.   Answer: C
Rationale: A cervical cap can be readily inserted by the client, and a spermicide is not required for it to be effective in contraception. It’s not required to be removed within 24 hours, and it can be left in place for 48 hours. However, it might affect Pap smear results since it blocks the area to be sampled.

15.   Answer: D
Rationale: The endometrium thickens during the secretory phase. Recall of the menstrual cycle is needed to properly answer this question.

16.   Answer: A
Rationale: A client with placental previa must maintain a side-lying position to maximize oxygen delivery to both her and the fetus, and the physician must be notified if contractions occur. The client should be advised to rest and must be assisted when moving. Sexual intercourse should be withheld during the course of signs and symptoms.

17.   Answer: C
Rationale: A frequent cause of back labor is the position of the baby, and the occipito-posterior position is commonly associated with it. This fetal position causes pressure on the mother’s sacrum.

18.   Answer: D
Nature and Nurture are two contrasting assumptions that explore the factors that influence child development. Nature emphasizes that individual traits are innate and external factors have minimal influence on it, while Nurture asserts the significant influence of experiences over the person’s development.

19.   Answer: C
Rationale: When women talk about the “pill”, they talk about the contraceptive pill, and it is expected that women taking them would have missed periods, as these oral contraceptive pills supports  the endometrium to prevent breakthrough bleeding mid-cycle and makes it inhospitable for a fertilized egg. However, the nurse should keep in mind that OCPs have numerous adverse effects, thus clients must be thoroughly assessed before administering them.

20.   Answer: B
Rationale: Regardless of the diaper used, dermatitis will occur if the diapers are not changed frequently. Baby powder or cornstarch is an additional preventive measure because it will keep the area dry. The key is to prevent the skin from prolonged contact with urine, which turns into ammonia and causes skin irritation and breakdown.

Hope you did pretty good in this test. If you got 12-15 questions right, then you have a good working knowledge on these topics. However, keep in mind that a single test is not enough to test your ability.

For people who got below 12, it only means that you have to read more and answer more practice questions.

Remember: the key to any nursing licensure preparation is repetitive mental exercise. Read and practice. Don’t overdo it though, and don’t forget to have fun!
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